Line 50: W06: Invalid UCD 'POS_EQ_RA_MAIN': Unknown word 'POS_EQ_RA_MAIN'
      <FIELD name="RA_ICRS" ucd="POS_EQ_RA_MAIN" ref="H_2015.500" datatype="double" width="15" precision="11" unit="deg"><!-- ucd="pos.eq.ra;meta.main" -->

Line 56: W06: Invalid UCD 'POS_EQ_DEC_MAIN': Unknown word 'POS_EQ_DEC_MAIN'
      <FIELD name="DE_ICRS" ucd="POS_EQ_DEC_MAIN" ref="H_2015.500" datatype="double" width="15" precision="11" unit="deg"><!-- ucd="pos.eq.dec;meta.main" -->

Line 62: W06: Invalid UCD ';meta.version': Primary word 'meta.version' is not valid as a secondary word
      <FIELD name="SolID" ucd=";meta.version" datatype="long" width="19"><!-- ucd="ID_VERSION" -->

Line 65: W06: Invalid UCD 'ID_MAIN': Unknown word 'ID_MAIN'
      <FIELD name="Source" ucd="ID_MAIN" datatype="char" arraysize="19*"><!-- ucd=";meta.main" -->

Line 82: W06: Invalid UCD 'arith.ratio': Secondary word 'arith.ratio' is not valid as a primary word
      <FIELD name="RPlx" ucd="arith.ratio" datatype="double" width="10" precision="4"><!-- ucd="FIT_RATIO" -->

Line 178: W06: Invalid UCD 'em.wavenumber;stat.error': Primary word 'stat.error' is not valid as a secondary word
      <FIELD name="e_pscol" ucd="em.wavenumber;stat.error" datatype="float" width="7" precision="4" unit="um**-1"><!-- ucd="ERROR" -->

Line 191: W06: Invalid UCD 'pos.errorEllipse;stat.max': Secondary word 'pos.errorEllipse' is not valid as a primary word
      <FIELD name="amax" ucd="pos.errorEllipse;stat.max" datatype="double" width="12" precision="E5" unit="mas"><!-- ucd="EXTENSION_FWHM_MAJ" -->

Line 212: W06: Invalid UCD 'arith.ratio': Secondary word 'arith.ratio' is not valid as a primary word
      <FIELD name="RFG" ucd="arith.ratio" datatype="double" width="9" precision="3"><!-- ucd="FIT_RATIO" -->

Line 232: W06: Invalid UCD 'arith.ratio': Secondary word 'arith.ratio' is not valid as a primary word
      <FIELD name="RFBP" ucd="arith.ratio" datatype="double" width="9" precision="3"><!-- ucd="FIT_RATIO" -->

Line 256: W06: Invalid UCD 'arith.ratio': Secondary word 'arith.ratio' is not valid as a primary word (suppressing further warnings of this type...)
      <FIELD name="RFRP" ucd="arith.ratio" datatype="double" width="9" precision="3"><!-- ucd="FIT_RATIO" -->

Line 268: W03: Implicitly generating an ID from a name 'E(BR/RP)' -> 'E_BR_RP_'
      <FIELD name="E(BR/RP)" ucd="stat.value" datatype="float" width="6" precision="3"><!-- ucd="DATA_SCALE-FACTOR" -->

Line 302: W50: Invalid unit string 'log(cm.s**-2)'
      <FIELD name="loggtemp" ucd="phys.gravity;" datatype="float" width="4" precision="1" unit="log(cm.s**-2)"><!-- ucd="PHYS_GRAVITY_SURFACE" -->

Line 306: W03: Implicitly generating an ID from a name '[Fe/H]temp' -> '__Fe_H_temp'
      <FIELD name="[Fe/H]temp" ucd="phys.abund.Fe;" datatype="float" width="4" precision="1"><!-- ucd="PHYS_ABUND_FE/H" -->

Line 353: W03: Implicitly generating an ID from a name 'E(BP-RP)' -> 'E_BP-RP_'
      <FIELD name="E(BP-RP)" ucd="phot.color.excess" datatype="float" width="7" precision="4" unit="mag"><!-- ucd="PHOT_COLOR_EXCESS" -->

Line 357: W03: Implicitly generating an ID from a name 'b_E(BP-RP)' -> 'b_E_BP-RP_'
      <FIELD name="b_E(BP-RP)" ucd="phot.color.excess;stat.min" datatype="float" width="7" precision="4" unit="mag"><!-- ucd="ERROR" -->

Line 361: W03: Implicitly generating an ID from a name 'B_E(BP-RP)' -> 'B_E_BP-RP_'
      <FIELD name="B_E(BP-RP)" ucd="phot.color.excess;stat.max" datatype="float" width="7" precision="4" unit="mag"><!-- ucd="ERROR" -->

Line 50: W06: Invalid UCD 'POS_EQ_RA_MAIN': Unknown word 'POS_EQ_RA_MAIN'
      <FIELD name="RA_ICRS" ucd="POS_EQ_RA_MAIN" ref="H_2015.500" datatype="double" width="15" precision="11" unit="deg"><!-- ucd="pos.eq.ra;meta.main" -->

Line 56: W06: Invalid UCD 'POS_EQ_DEC_MAIN': Unknown word 'POS_EQ_DEC_MAIN'
      <FIELD name="DE_ICRS" ucd="POS_EQ_DEC_MAIN" ref="H_2015.500" datatype="double" width="15" precision="11" unit="deg"><!-- ucd="pos.eq.dec;meta.main" -->

Line 62: W06: Invalid UCD ';meta.version': Primary word 'meta.version' is not valid as a secondary word
      <FIELD name="SolID" ucd=";meta.version" datatype="long" width="19"><!-- ucd="ID_VERSION" -->

Line 65: W06: Invalid UCD 'ID_MAIN': Unknown word 'ID_MAIN'
      <FIELD name="Source" ucd="ID_MAIN" datatype="char" arraysize="19*"><!-- ucd=";meta.main" -->

Line 82: W06: Invalid UCD 'arith.ratio': Secondary word 'arith.ratio' is not valid as a primary word
      <FIELD name="RPlx" ucd="arith.ratio" datatype="double" width="10" precision="4"><!-- ucd="FIT_RATIO" -->

Line 178: W06: Invalid UCD 'em.wavenumber;stat.error': Primary word 'stat.error' is not valid as a secondary word
      <FIELD name="e_pscol" ucd="em.wavenumber;stat.error" datatype="float" width="7" precision="4" unit="um**-1"><!-- ucd="ERROR" -->

Line 191: W06: Invalid UCD 'pos.errorEllipse;stat.max': Secondary word 'pos.errorEllipse' is not valid as a primary word
      <FIELD name="amax" ucd="pos.errorEllipse;stat.max" datatype="double" width="12" precision="E5" unit="mas"><!-- ucd="EXTENSION_FWHM_MAJ" -->

Line 212: W06: Invalid UCD 'arith.ratio': Secondary word 'arith.ratio' is not valid as a primary word
      <FIELD name="RFG" ucd="arith.ratio" datatype="double" width="9" precision="3"><!-- ucd="FIT_RATIO" -->

Line 232: W06: Invalid UCD 'arith.ratio': Secondary word 'arith.ratio' is not valid as a primary word
      <FIELD name="RFBP" ucd="arith.ratio" datatype="double" width="9" precision="3"><!-- ucd="FIT_RATIO" -->

Line 256: W06: Invalid UCD 'arith.ratio': Secondary word 'arith.ratio' is not valid as a primary word (suppressing further warnings of this type...)
      <FIELD name="RFRP" ucd="arith.ratio" datatype="double" width="9" precision="3"><!-- ucd="FIT_RATIO" -->

Line 268: W03: Implicitly generating an ID from a name 'E(BR/RP)' -> 'E_BR_RP_'
      <FIELD name="E(BR/RP)" ucd="stat.value" datatype="float" width="6" precision="3"><!-- ucd="DATA_SCALE-FACTOR" -->

Line 302: W50: Invalid unit string 'log(cm.s**-2)'
      <FIELD name="loggtemp" ucd="phys.gravity;" datatype="float" width="4" precision="1" unit="log(cm.s**-2)"><!-- ucd="PHYS_GRAVITY_SURFACE" -->

Line 306: W03: Implicitly generating an ID from a name '[Fe/H]temp' -> '__Fe_H_temp'
      <FIELD name="[Fe/H]temp" ucd="phys.abund.Fe;" datatype="float" width="4" precision="1"><!-- ucd="PHYS_ABUND_FE/H" -->

Line 353: W03: Implicitly generating an ID from a name 'E(BP-RP)' -> 'E_BP-RP_'
      <FIELD name="E(BP-RP)" ucd="phot.color.excess" datatype="float" width="7" precision="4" unit="mag"><!-- ucd="PHOT_COLOR_EXCESS" -->

Line 357: W03: Implicitly generating an ID from a name 'b_E(BP-RP)' -> 'b_E_BP-RP_'
      <FIELD name="b_E(BP-RP)" ucd="phot.color.excess;stat.min" datatype="float" width="7" precision="4" unit="mag"><!-- ucd="ERROR" -->

Line 361: W03: Implicitly generating an ID from a name 'B_E(BP-RP)' -> 'B_E_BP-RP_'
      <FIELD name="B_E(BP-RP)" ucd="phot.color.excess;stat.max" datatype="float" width="7" precision="4" unit="mag"><!-- ucd="ERROR" -->


xmllint results:

vo.xml:4: element VOTABLE: Schemas validity error : Element '{}VOTABLE': No matching global declaration available for the validation root.
vo.xml fails to validate